how to use info command with its examples

  • About info : To read info documents
  • It comes from “info-4.13a” package.
  • Path: /usr/bin/info


1. To get the info about any command/service

$ info mkdir

2. To lookup string in all manual indices

$ info -k mkdir

3. To add the directory to info path

$ info -d /tmp/manuals/
$ info –directory=/tmp/manuals/

4. To remember user keystrokes in FILENAME

$ info –dribble=FILENAME

5. To specify Info file to visit

$ info -f /tmp/file.txt
$ info –file=/tmp/file.txt 

6. To display the help for info

$ info –help

7. To go to node pointed by index entry STRING

$ info –index-search=STRING

8. To specify nodes in first visited Info file.

$ info –node=NODENAME
$ info -n NODENAME 

9. To output selected nodes to FILENAME.

$ info -o FILENAME
$ info –output=FILENAME 

10. To output “raw” ANSI escapes

$ info -R

$ info –raw-escapes 

11. To output escapes as literal text

$ info –no-raw-escapes

12. To read initial keystrokes from FILENAME

$ info –restore=FILENAME

13. To go to command-line options node

$ info -O
$ info –show-options
$ info –usage

14. To recursively output menu items

$ info –subnodes

15. To use vi-like and less-like key bindings

$ info –vi-keys

16. To display version information

$ info –version 

17. To print physical location of Info file

$ info -w
$ info –where
$ info –location


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