how to use chmod command with its examples

The chmod command is used to modify permissions of files or directories. These permissions control the actions which can be performed on a file or directory, like reading, writing, and executing. It comes from “coreutils-x.x” package.


1. To change the file permissions

$ chmod r+x,g-x,o=r– file.txt

2. To change the file permissions using the octal values

$ chmod 777 file.txt

3. To see if the changes have been taken affect or not after firing the command

$ chmod -c 777 file.txt

4. To apply the changes recursively

$ chmod -R 777 /mydir/

5. To set the verbose mode

$ chmod -v 777 /mydir/

6. To change the MODE of each file to preserve root

$ chmod –preserve-root FILE

7. To change the MODE of each file not to preserve root

$ chmod –no-preserve-root FILE

8. To set MODE from reference file

$ chmod –reference=RFILE FILE

9. To see the help for chmod

$ chmod –help

10. To see the version for the chmod

$ chmod –verbose


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