logger command line utility and its examples

The “logger” command is used to send log messages to the system log or to a specific file.

  • About logger : A shell command interface to the syslog system log module
  • It comes from “util-linux-ng-2.17.2” package.
  • Configuration Files:
  • Path: /usr/bin/logger


1. To log the message to standard error and system logs

# logger -s “This is a test message”

2. To log to message to the specified file

# logger -f file “This is a test message”

3. To log the message with specified priority

# logger -p 1 “This is a test message”

4. To mark every line with specified tag

# logger -t TAG “This is a test message”

5. To allow the message to start with a hyphen

# logger — “This is a test message”

Related Commands: syslog, syslogd

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