pinky command line tool and its examples

The pinky command is used to display information about users on a system. Which provides information on the login name, user ID, login shell and/or home directory of users specified.

  • About pinky: It a lighweight finger program
  • Comes From: coreutils-8.4
  • Configuration Files:
  • Path: /usr/bin/pinky


1. To display the information about the users

# pinky

2. To produce the long format output

# pinky -l

3. To omit the userâs home directory and shell in long format

# pinky -b

4. To omit the user’s project file in long format

# pinky -h

5. To omit the userâs plan file in long format

# pinky -p

6. To do short format output, this is the default

# pinky -s

7. To omit the line of column headings in short format

# pinky -f

8. To omit the userâs full name in short format

# pinky -w

9. To omit the user’s full name and remote host in short format

# pinky -i

10. To omit the users full name, remote host and idle time in short format

# pinky -q

11. To display the help

# pinky –help

12. To get the version info

# pinky –version

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