how to use adduser command with its examples

  • To create/add new users into the system, Linux has a useradd command.
  • useradd provides many options for creating users, we can create local, system or superusers using it.
  • It comes from “shadow-utils-” package, we have covered almost all the options here.


1. To add a new user

$ adduser mike

2. To add new user with default directory

$ adduser -d /mike mike

3. To add new user with some comment

$ adduser -c “Admin Group” mike

4. To add new user with expiry date

$ adduser -e 12/12/2015 mike

5. To add new user with primary group

$ adduser -g support mike

6. To add user with supplementary group

$ adduser -G admin mike

7. To add user without home directoy

$ adduser -M mike

8. Add user without creating default group with same name

$ adduser -N mike

9. To add user with given password

$ adduser -p “12asd124123Ads43” mike

10. To create a system account

$ adduser -r mike

11. To add user with default login shell

$ adduser -s /bin/bash mike

12. To add user with creating group of same name

$ adduser -U mike

Related Commands: chfn, chsh, passwd, crypt, groupadd, groupdel, groupmod, login.defs, newusers, userdel, usermod.

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