Linux Basic Commands with examples

  • Getting to know about the basic Linux commands is a good start to learn it.
  • As Linux is preferably administered by the “command line” mode, to know about its commands is the necessity to master it.
  • In Linux there are thousands of commands available, we will look into few of the basic commands.
  • We have categorized the commands into following sections for better understanding. It will not be difficult to grasp them if you are aware of MS-DOS commands.
  • We have covered nearly 60 commands below.

Basic File/Directory Commands:

  • We have covered few file & directory related commands, so as to make you aware of basic file and directory management things, so that you can do simple stuff efficiently.

1. dir – Used to list directory contents e.g.

# dir (it will list the directory contents)

2. touch – To create an empty file or to update the access time for file. e.g.

# touch file1
# touch

2. mkdir -To make the directory e.g.

# mkdir /mike

3. cat – To view the file contents or to concatenate files and print. e.g.

# cat file1 # cat file1 file2

4. cp – To copy the file e.g.

# cp /tmp/file1 /root/file1

5. mv – To move file from one place to another e.g.

# mv /tmp/file1 /root/file1

6. rm – To remove/delete the files e.g.

# rm file1
# rm file1 file2

7. rmdir – To remove the directory e.g.

# rmdir

8. more – To view file in page wise in forward direction e.g.

# more file1

9. less – To list the contents of file page wise e.g.

# less file1

10. head – Show selected starting lines from file e.g.

# head file1
# head -n 20 file1

11. tail – To show selected lines from end of the file e.g.

# tail file1

12. rename – To rename a file e.g.

# rename file1 file2

13. vi -vi editor, to edit files e.g.

# vi file1

14. wc – To get the content statistics about file, like no. of lines, no of bytes etc e.g.

# wc -l file1
# wc -c file1

15. zip – To compress a file e.g.

# zip file

16. cd – To change the current working directory e.g.

# cd
# cd /root

Getting to know:

17. logname – Print users login name. e.g.

# logname

18. cal – Calendar e.g.

# cal
# cal 2001
# cal 5

19. date – Date of the system e.g.

# date

20. ddate – To converts Gregorian dates to Discordian dates e.g.

# ddate

21. id – print real and effective user and group IDs e.g.

# id root
# id -a root

22. finger – Its user information lookup program e.g.

# finger root
# finger mike

23. w – Show who is logged on and what they are doing. e.g.

# w
# w -h
# w -u

24. who – show who is logged on. e.g.

# who
# who -all

25. whoami – Print effective userid. e.g.

# whoami

26. last – Show listing of last logged in users. e.g.

# last

27. lastlog – reports the most recent login of all users or of a given user e.g.

# lastlog

28. file – Determine File type e.g.

# file file1.txt

29. hostname – Show or set the system host name e.g.

# hostname

30. mail – Send and receive Internet mails. e.g.

# mail
# mail -u root

31. uptime – Tell how long the system has been running. e.g.

# uptime

32. ls – To list the present directory e.g.

# ls
# ls -l
# ls -lh

33. df – Report file system disk space usage e.g.

# df
# df -h

34. logname – print user’s login name e.g.

# logname

35. free – Display amount of free and used memory in the system e.g.

# free
# free -m -t

36. pinky – Its a lightweight finger e.g.

# pinky root
# pinky -l root

37. stat – Display file or file system status e.g.

# stat file1

To Get Help – Commands

38. help – To display helpful info about commands e.g.

# ifconfig --help
# ls --help
# w --help

39. info – Read info doc e.g.

# info ls
# info who
# info ifconfig

40. man – To format and display the on-line manual pages e.g.

# man ls
# man w
# man ifconfig

41. whatis – search the whatis database for complete words e.g.

# whatis ls
# whatis w
# whatis who

42. whereis – locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command e.g.

# whereis who
# whereis ls
# whereis uptime

43. which – shows the full path of (shell) commands e.g.

# which ls
# which who
# which uptime

Miscellaneous Commands:

44. history – Display users command history e.g.

# history
# history -c (To clear the history)

45. find – search for files in a directory hierarchy e.g.

# find / -name santosh

46. locate – Find the files e.g.

# locate santosh

47. poweroff – To stop the system e.g.

# poweroff
# poweroff -f (Forcefully)

48. shutdown – To bring the system down e.g.

# shutdown
# shutdown -r (reboot)

49. halt – To bring system down e.g.

# halt

50. reboot – To reboto the system e.g.

# reboot

52. logout – To logout from the current session e.g.

# logout

52. exit – To close the current session e.g.

# exit

53. lpq – show printer queue status e.g.

# lpq (Should have default printer configured)

54. cancel – Cancel print jobs e.g.

# cancel 1
# cancel -U root 1

55. passwd – To change user password e.g.

# passwd (To change self password)
# passwd mike (To change user mike's passwd)

56. ping – send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts, to see other host responding or not e.g.

# ping

57. runlevel – To see the cureent runlevel e.g.

# runlevel

58. sort – To sort the command outputs e.g.

# cat file1 | sort
# ls -l | sort

59. su – To switch to another user e.g.

# su - (To switch to root)
# su - mike (To switch to mike)

  • Now you are more acquainted with the basic Linux command, hence you will be comfortable doing basic things after logging into Linux machine.

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