Linux User And Group Administration Commands

  • User administration is one of the main task you need to do in Linux environment like any other OS administration.
  • Here we have covered all the commands which are required/present on the Linux to do the same.


1. useradd / adduser – To add the user

$ useradd mike

2. userdel – To delete the user

$ userdel mike

3. passwd – To manage the user password

$ passwd mike

4. usermod – To change the user attributes

$ usermod -s /bin/ksh mike

5. users – To see the currently logged in users

$ users

6. id – Print the user and group IDs of a user

$ id
$ id -a mike 

7. finger – To get the information about the users

$ finger mike

8. pinky – Its a lightweight finger like command

$ pinky mike

9. pwconv – To convert to and from shadow passwords

$ pwconv

10. chfn – To change the finger information

$ chfn -f “Mike Jackson” mike

11. chsh – To change login shell

$ chsh ksh

12. crypt – To encrypt the passwords

$ crypt

13. groupadd – To add the new group

$ groupadd IT

 14. groupdel – To delete the new groups

$ groupdel IT

15. groupmod – To modify the new groups

$ groupmod -g 1002 IT


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