setenforce command line and its examples

The “setenforce” is used to set the enforcing mode of SELinux on a Linux system. SELinux is a security enhancement to the Linux operating system which provides mandatory access control policies. Enforcing mode is the mode in which enforces its policies

  • About setenforce: To modify the SELInux mode
  • Comes From : libselinux-utils-2.0.94
  • Configuration Files:
  • Path: /usr/sbin/setenforce


1. To modify the SELinux mode to Enforcing setenforce Enforcing

# setenforce 1

2. To modify the SELinux mode to Enforcing setenforce Permissive

# setenforce 0

3. To see the help

# setenforce –help

Related Commands: selinux, getenforce, selinuxenabled

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