showmount utility and its examples with details

The “showmount” command is used to display information about the NFS exports on a remote server. Which is typically used to check which file systems are being shared by a remote NFS server.

  • About showmount : It is used to show mount information from a NFS server
  • Comes From: nfs-utils-x.x.x
  • Configuration Files:
  • Path: /usr/sbin/showmount


1. To list both the client hostname or IP address and mounted directory in host:dir format

# showmount -a
# showmount –all

2. To list only the directories mounted by some client

# showmount -d
# showmount –directories

3. To show the NFS servers export list

# showmount -e
# showmount –exports

4. To get the help

# showmount -h
# showmount –help

5. To get the version

# showmount -v
# showmount –version

6. To suppress the descriptive headings from the output

# showmount –no-headers

Related Commands: rpc.mountd, rpc.nfsd

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