5 July 201414 May 2023Linux CommandsBy Admin how to use “kill” command with its examples Examples: 1. To get the list of signals $ kill -l 2. To send a particular signal $ kill -s 9 3. […]
5 July 201414 May 2023Linux CommandsBy Admin join command with its examples – Path: /usr/bin/join Examples: 1. To join and show the common lines from given input files $ join file1.txt file2.txt 2. To print […]
5 July 201414 May 2023Linux CommandsBy Admin “ipcs” command line tool with its examples Examples: 1. To see the shared memory segment $ ipcs -m 2. To see the message queue $ ipcs -q 3. To […]
5 July 201414 May 2023Linux CommandsBy Admin how to use iostat command with its examples iostat generates three types of reports, Examples: To get the CPU utilization $ iostat -c$ iostat -c 2 10 […]
5 July 201414 May 2023Linux CommandsBy Admin how to use iotop command with its examples Examples: 1. To see the IO usage $ iotop 2. To run on non-interactive mode $ iotop -b$ iotop –batch To set […]
5 July 201414 May 2023Linux CommandsBy Admin how to use info command with its examples Examples: 1. To get the info about any command/service $ info mkdir 2. To lookup string in all manual indices $ info […]
5 July 201414 May 2023Linux CommandsBy Admin how to use ifrename command with its examples Examples: To set the configuration file $ ifrename -c /path/config To probe kernel modules before renaming interface $ ifrename -p To rename […]
5 July 201415 May 2023Linux CommandsBy Admin ifconfig command line utility and its examples Examples: 1. To see all the interfaces on the system $ ifconfig -a 2. To see all the interface stats $ ifconfig […]
5 July 201415 May 2023Linux CommandsBy Admin how to use ifenslve command with its examples Examples: 1. To show information of all the inerfaces $ ifenslave -a$ ifenslave –all-interfaces 2. To change the active slave $ ifenslave […]
5 July 201415 May 2023Linux CommandsBy Admin how to use id command with its examples Examples: 1. To print the current user ID $ id 2. To ge the all the identification information of the a user […]